Sam knows when leading in complexity...

Leading Complexity – Be like Sam

Management and Leadership Series Posted by David McDermott

Sam knows that when leading in complexity and uncertainty, things are unpredictable and old rules don’t apply. Instead of taking control and giving answers, Sam asks great questions…


Fixed Mindset – Don’t be like Glenn

Resilience Series Posted by David McDermott

Glenn has a fixed mind set. That means…


Leading from Home – Don’t be like Jules

Management and Leadership Series Posted by Nicola Maxwell

Jules’ team is working from home…


Leading from Home – Be like Alex

Management and Leadership Series Posted by David McDermott

Alex’s team is working from home…


Leading Complexity – Don’t be like Dorian

Management and Leadership Series Posted by David McDermott

Dorian handles complexity and uncertainty by…


Yeah but… No but… Yeah but…

Advanced Communication Skills Series Posted by David McDermott

“Yes but…” is often used in conversation but usually means “No” or “I disagree”. Here you can learn an alternative language pattern to significantly improve your communication during difficult conversations and ensure your point is listened to.
