Advanced Communication Skills Series

A collection of articles that discuss how to best handle critical and often unpleasant situations within the workplace.

Getting a tricky conversation off to a great start

Advanced Communication Skills Series Posted by Nicola Maxwell

How do you get a really difficult conversation off to the best possible start? Find out how to ensure the other person is more likely to listen and respond in a positive manner.


Yeah but… No but… Yeah but…

Advanced Communication Skills Series Posted by David McDermott

“Yes but…” is often used in conversation but usually means “No” or “I disagree”. Here you can learn an alternative language pattern to significantly improve your communication during difficult conversations and ensure your point is listened to.


Communicate like a chameleon

Advanced Communication Skills Series Posted by Nicola Maxwell

Read on to find out how you can influence people more effectively by communicating like a chameleon.


The Mehrabian Myth

Advanced Communication Skills Series Posted by David McDermott

This article, “The Mehrabian Myth” exposes how information, often taught as a universal truth, is a total misrepresentation of the researchers work.


A little less conversation; who is really listening?

Advanced Communication Skills Series Posted by David McDermott

Research shows that empathy in sales environments is the biggest driver of trust.

Tangled Mess

Dealing with tricky issues – without messing up!

Advanced Communication Skills Series Posted by Nicola Maxwell

Do you sometimes have to give people negative feedback or resolve a sticky issue? If so, learn the three most important qualities of highly skilled communicators in this field.
