Posts by David McDermott

3 common BD mistakes made during a recession

Business Development Series Posted by David McDermott

  As we live through an extremely difficult economic environment and uncertain future, we thought it would be useful to identify 3 common mistakes that […]


The 60-second negotiation training programme

Business Development Series Posted by David McDermott

Here are the three Golden Rules proven to make you a more effective negotiator.


Presenting To Win – Part 1: 10 reasons for losing a pitch

Business Development Series Posted by David McDermott

David McDermott is a leading international expert in competitive pitching. Here he shares the top 10 reasons given for losing a pitch.

Sam knows when leading in complexity...

Leading Complexity – Be like Sam

Management and Leadership Series Posted by David McDermott

Sam knows that when leading in complexity and uncertainty, things are unpredictable and old rules don’t apply. Instead of taking control and giving answers, Sam asks great questions…


Fixed Mindset – Don’t be like Glenn

Resilience Series Posted by David McDermott

Glenn has a fixed mind set. That means…


Leading from Home – Be like Alex

Management and Leadership Series Posted by David McDermott

Alex’s team is working from home…

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