Posts by David McDermott

Effective methods for business development
Exploring a comprehensive approach to business development.
How to position yourself against your competitors when pitching
It’s all very well having a competitive edge, but are your prospective clients aware? A key question when you are pitching for business is, how do you show your audience that you compare favourably to the competition?
Top 10 attention grabbers
Convert your audience from passive listeners to active, interested participants. Here are our top 10 attention grabbers.
Presenting To Win – Part 2: 10 tips to help win a pitch
Following on from where David left off with his article on 10 points that may lose you a pitch we thought we’d stay positive, and share 10 top tips for improving your pitching.
Winning business in an economic downturn
Winning business in an economic downturn, when opportunities are fewer.
The 7 deadly sins of tackling a performance issue
Here are the most common mistakes made when holding critical conversations and tips on how to make sure you do not fall into these traps.